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MHIC #126941
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Asphalt paving is one of the ideal choices for your commercial paving needs. But even asphalt has its enemies. Cooper Paving, an expert on asphalt in Annapolis, MD, details problems to watch out for and how you can fix them.

annapolis maryland asphalt

blurred tire going over pothole filled with water

Surface Water

Ideally, asphalt will be graded and designed to make sure water flows off of the surface. But if you aren’t regularly maintaining your parking lot, water can start to pool and linger on the asphalt. Surface water weakens asphalt, causing cracks to get bigger and form potholes.

Regular seal coating on your asphalt lot can prevent this from happening. Seal coating is a thin layer that’s administered to the top of your asphalt lot. It’s designed to lengthen how long your asphalt lasts. It’s essential if you want to make sure your lot has a long, healthy life.

You can also inquire about porous asphalt. It’s a newer, environmentally-friendly form of asphalt that is designed to absorb water and let it run through it. The EPA actually recommends this method as a way to manage stormwater runoff.

Sunlight and UV Rays

Asphalt is just like our skin when it comes to sunlight — too much of it can be a bad thing. Your asphalt lot also can’t get out of the sun easily as we can. Sealcoating not only helps to protect your asphalt from surface water. Think of it also as a type of sunscreen for your asphalt pavement.

Heavy Trucks

Particularly if it’s a road or a store that frequently gets large deliveries, heavy trucks can be a problem. If trucks are always taking the same route, asphalt deterioration and damage can become prevalent around typical driving paths. Damage is increased where trucks are driving slowly, where they stop or slow down, and where they end up parking.

This is why you need to have an Annapolis, MD asphalt contractor that knows what they’re doing. They can give you quality advice to make sure that you can get the most life of your asphalt surface. Simple solutions can go a long way. The pavement can be thicker where these vehicles are commonly parked, or we can designate an area for them.

Fuel and Oil

Like water, these can penetrate the surface of your asphalt and deteriorate it. It gets into deeper layers and breaks up the asphalt inside, causing the surface to crumble. Fuel and oil don’t stick to seal coating when it’s done, either, meaning you lose that extra protection in those areas. Make sure you get your asphalt inspected regularly. Getting fuel and oil cleaned off your asphalt is much cheaper than replacing asphalt.

Taking Care of Asphalt in Annapolis, Maryland

Cooper Paving can help you ensure your asphalt commercial lot will last for years to come. Call us or contact us online!

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